Saturday valerie and i went to the ghetto state run animal shelter and got a kitten. I need to upload some pics to add to this update later. Anyway, it’s wednesday now and the cat and marla experience has been pretty great. The first day he’d hiss and and pull out the claws when marla would get within 2 feet.
After 2 days of all kinds of things like petting the dog and then petting the cat to get that gnarly marla smell on the kitten. I’ve also sat on the floor at 4am, drunk as hell, tori blaring, petting both of them and moving them closer and closer until they were laying next to each other. Great mental image huh?
Today i’ve caught marla chasing him down the hallway and several other “i can get you but i’m not” moments.
It’s been great adding a new member to the show. The looks on marla’s face watching the cat play with her toys. The look on the cat’s face when marla destroys his cat toys.
Thursday i accidently leave Inna Gadda Da Vida on repeat while i go get a rental car. Welcome to, Sliver.
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