puking makes you cool

i went to cafe ole last night to have some drinks with my good friend andy george. i drank 1 budweiser and then andy orders us both these 2 huge bud lights. like not a normal big beer, this thing came in a plastic cup. anyway, we finish our beers and pay. as i’m walking out i feel a weird rumbling in my stomach.

i walk out onto the sidewalk and start heading to my car, talking to valerie on the phone. all of a sudden a water fountain of puke screams out of my mouth, all over the sidewalk. then a second heave, the last of my sandwich i ate earlier meets the sidewalk.

i continue walking, not breaking stride, continuing my conversation with valerie. not a drop on shoes or pants. i look over to the left and see 2 families staring in horror on the patio of the Beauty Shop, a very yuppie expensive resturant.

can you imagine sitting at dinner with your family, probably celebrating a birthday or something, and seeing some guy puking up god knows what across the street. i should not take this much pleasure in vomitting.

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