Ya know, life is made up of memories. This is going to be one that will never ever go away. Even after years and years of counseling ill still bear the scars of this night. Thank Hore.
It was a calm Wednesday evening. The hamburgers were grilling slowly on the fire and two webdesigners sat out on a porch in a small city named Memphis. I had got home and mixed myself a drink immediately, just to have a head start and by the time the hamburgers were done Jack Daniels was coarsing through my veins. We sat like civilized beings and talked about all life, women and the ways of the Hore. It was getting dark and both of u were starting to get pretty drunk, being on drink 2 or 3. We popped in the Clouser video which is known for it's grotesque violence and weirdness and sat in darkness as our senses were bombarded by the greatest music ever created and visuals that scar children for life. The drinking continued. We watch the 2nd tape. For about 10 minutes they show footage of the band smashing things in their hotel/dressing room. I began to thrash around for some reason and ended up throwing a road cone across the room. Then it started. Ian threw his glass against the wall, showering the room in glass and i began to dance around screaming. I then picked up the box of crackhore.com shirts and smashed it on the ground, spraying shirts everywhere. Ian then knocked over my Free Jobs News thing over and started screaming. I flipped a chair over and ended up kicking my mug of whiskey across the room. My shoes still stick to the floor, hehe.
We put our shoes on and stumble out of the house. I grabbed a Teki torch from my front yard and ran around screaming something about voices. We walked around the apartment complex. I think. After we walked outside its all a blur. I vaguely remember attacking a huge shrub with the Teki torch and pushing a shopping cart we found on the street. Ian grabbed a sign from the front yard of some apartments and is still in my apartment to this day. I was going to take it back out to the place where i think he took it but it has writing all over it now so it probably wouldn't be the best thing.
I woke up the next morning with a screaming hangover, on my floor with the walls covered in writing. I was also wearing a crackhore.com shirt which i wasn't wearing the night before. Weird.
Moral of this story? Alcohol is cool. I blame Trent for my apartment being trashed. I have emailed him and his manager asking for punitive damages but its not looking good. Whiskey Wednesdays continue to be a routine part of our week to this day. But now we stay away from NIN videos.
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