Well, i woke up at 4pm today. Naked in bed, boots, clothes and wallet on the floor. Cellphone in the ashtray next to my bed. Still drunk. I rolled over and Marla is laying next to me and i suddenly start laughing as i remember what happened last night.

It all started at Cafe Espresso and Tindal And Tonics. Still fighting the hangover from Saturday night, i eat half a sandwich and start drinking. I talk with Tindal and another bar patron about drugs, cars, womn and Sopranos. After covering the normal bar conversations, we all go our seperate ways.

I come home, feed the dog, talk on aim for a second and decide to go to Old School Sunday to visit Ian and maybe hook up some free drinks…I get there, walk through security and Holly tells Ian that she’s taking me out drinking. Now i’m already pretty drunk but it seems like it’s just beginning. We go to Wet Willies and to my surprise, they’re doing karoke. Holly orders us drinks, 2 of these weird red drinks called “Call A Cab”….i later find out the main ingredient is PGA. Owned.

Holly goes up and gets me to do the last karoke song of the night. Take one big guess what i pick. I’m dancing and jumping up and down, screaming into the microphone, rolling on the floor at one point and the place starts to empty out.

We head to Alferds yet and i think i have a beer. It all starts getting really really blurry at this point. After a while we head back to Old School Sunday and Holly slips and falls on the wood floor. Everyone looks at me like i pushed her and i yell “I havn’t hit no white women today!” This gets the attention of just about everyone in Hardrock. I go over and start talking to Ian and he tells me to go push this friend of his, a very very large black guy. I go up and push him laughing and he picks me up and starts spinning me around. At this point everyone in the whole bar is laughing and i decide that getting spun around after bunch of gin, vodka and PGA is probably bad.

I yell to everyone that i’m heading back to Midtown where gay people are accepted.

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