scoutmastertoad: my friend is asking advice on how to talk dirty to her boyfriend
Assssssley: hmm
scoutmastertoad: yeah i was telling her it’s hard to give that kind of advice
scoutmastertoad: cuz it’s more specific for the guy, right?
scoutmastertoad: like some guys like to hear about how great their cum tastes
Assssssley: ewwww
Assssssley: i never really got into the “tallking dirty” thing
Assssssley: if it happens it happens
Assssssley: i prefer no talking during sex
scoutmastertoad: hmm
scoutmastertoad: yeah, i use duct tape too
Assssssley: huh
scoutmastertoad: oh
scoutmastertoad: umm
scoutmastertoad: hahahaha
Month: October 2002
t0ughtitties: gawd. i need more toad in my life
scoutmastertoad: you need more toad in your mouth
Kalab: i don’t think i can drink with Shea anymore, it’s a bad combination….like gasoline and fire….
hair of the dog that owned me
the gentle sound of 40’s clanking in a plastic bag and the sun going down
hmmm if you were at the full moon club last night for “shane’s techno blowout” you might have noticed a guy in a gray shirt, clutching his backpack on the black leather couch. A look of drunken terror washed over his face, staring at Shea and Shane with their big white afros, trying really hard not to throw up.
what a fun night hahahahasfldhkflkajsf
i think we got there around 10, played several games of pool. Ugh learned a lesson on playing random people in pool in bars. This black girl with a bandanna and bondage pants comes up to Wes and I and asks to play winner. I actually win a game, slamming the 8 ball into the corner pocket.
Wes and i leave, buy and then sneak a 12 pack in the party. All 3 of us consume it within a matter of minutes on the porch. After that it gets blurry. I walked home, drunk out of my skull and fell asleep on the couch with my boots on.
the end
nothing better then hearing someone tell someone else over a cellphone to type c-r-a-c-k-h-o-r-e dot com
old school
h0lly justAphase: how do i order a crackhore shirt ?
scoutmastertoad: hmm
scoutmastertoad: you come to memphis
scoutmastertoad: and give me money
scoutmastertoad: and i go into a closet and pull one out
scoutmastertoad: hehe
scoutmastertoad: it’s like old scohol e-commerce
Healthy cities mean happy living
hey toad, why are you depressed?
That Elvis called Memphis home didn’t help it in our survey — the city ranks below average in most categories “SELF’s” experts deemed important. Violent crimes and rapes occur at close to double our survey’s average rate. Memphis-area women have sky high rates of sexually transmitted diseases and rank in the bottom 6 percent for exercise; their average body-mass index is 27.3 — overweight by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Standards. Plus, Memphis has a high number of motor vehicle deaths and ranks below average for healthy eating.
gawd, went from the full moon club at 11:30 last night to Tunica for some gambling fun. After last week’s stripclub fiasaco, i guess it seemed right to do something just as morally corrupt.
man, if you’ve never been to a casino while really high you gotta. All those dancing lights and bright colored floors. People running around, winning, losing, crying, drinking. Fucking owns.
i didn’t lose very much money this time, only around $25-30…nothing compared to the diaster that the stripclub was…..
gonna be a atari teenage riot day
gawwwwdddd…waking up at 7am…still drunk….still fucked up from the 3 sleeping pills i ate while drinking…..those were probably a bad idea…feel kinda dizzy, hands shaking….i can’t really tell if i’m still drunk, still luded from the pills or just plain tired….
it’s weird when you wake up, realize you have a lot of shit to do, then realize that 90% of the stuff is you, driving around, giving people money. i gotta pay rent, gas up the car, drive all the way out to the honda dealership, then i gotta go out to another office, where i’ll work for free, then buy a new monitor, assemble the new computer for the other office……the day kinda stops there…i’ll probably pass out at the wheel at my last stop…..
the shower is warming up now, probably gonna try to choke down breakfast after that and then i’m on my way…
i really like waking up this hour…this was this weird dew like stuff all over the grass outside…i guess it was dew….time to go lay down in the shower and try to sober up….
innnnn the springttimeeee of hissss voooodoooooo