gatorade salvation

i woke up at around noon today, covered in a blue sleeping bag, curled up on the couch with my sweatshirt as a pillow. I hear Lana walk in, talk of gatorade and suddenly a Blue Raspberry bottle of gatorade is shoved into my little cave of hungoverness. I open the bottle, pealing off the protective covers and put it to my mouth.

the cool sweet taste flows into my dry, sticky mouth, washing away the horrible residue of the beer that was consumed moments before i fell into my drunken coma. Never has gatorade ever tasted so good. Lana has achieved sainthood for her walking to Wa-Wa’s to get it for jeff and me.


last night jeff, lana and i walked to a noise show in philly. We don’t really have shows like that in memphis so after a few forties it was really great. I snuck in a McDonalds cup full of whiskey so towards the end of the show jeff and i were moshing while everyone else stood around watching. fucking ruled. At the end one of the guys playing puts on Fleetwood Mac and starts singing along and talking about his girlfriend, ending up rolling on the floor in his boxers.
Noise=fleetwood mac karoke

went to new york today

wow heh
if popluation density had a zip code, new york would be umm several of them….i spent about 8 hours wandering around new york in a hangover haze, trying to see as much of the city as possible….this is just a mention, the plane ride back will be the whiskey filled total update…hopei live that long…