
hmm it’s been a few months but it’s time to get that karoke bug out of my system. It’s been building up for a while and i better let it loose before it gets really bad.

As i dig through f:mp3sgay looking for the proper sing to sing this evening, hearing ian reply “wtf” to just about everything i select, i sit back and dream of the day when i’ll own my bar and every night will be karoke night. Except i’ll be the only one allowed to sing.

They were young and had each other at the

hmmm naw, they all look so good tho. Rupert Holmes – If you like Pina Coladas.mp3 Ohhhh god…so good haha…this song always kinda fucks with me tho. Rupert Holmes is one bad ass player. His fucking wife is cold passed out and he’s writing shit in the personal column. Like i’ve talked to other chicks on aim after getting play but the personal column is kinda fucked.

That’s not what im talking about tho. This asshole is posting shit on some personal column and gets busted by the girl. He meets her, she doesn’t even think for a second that her bastard husband is trying to cheat on her. He plays it off really smooth tho, like “oh i didn’t know you liked that, here everything is okay now”

*takes large gulp of beer*

Now look Rupert, if you’re so shallow that drinking a certain kind of alcohol and dancing around in the acid rain qualifies this woman to be YOUR FUCKING WIFE, then you got some serious issues.

Like far from me to be critical of someone on the topic of issuses with dating but i’m not married and playing bitches while their passed out. When i marry it’s going to be for the one real reason anyone should get married.


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