Bush: U.S. May Act on Iraq Without U.N. (washingtonpost.com)

our president is going to get us all fucking killed.

i’m not a pessimist..i just read the news…..i mean is anyone else just the tiny bit scared about this whole situation? Sure, we’ll invade iraq in a few weeks, have to garrison the entire fucking country, probably take massive casualities for some weapons we think might be there.

we know the oil is there tho *wink*

it’s so transparent it’s laughable. Lets add this all together…our oil stock owning president…wants to invade a country with…surprise… a lot of oil…..that…wait, his father tried to invade a decade earlier? Okay, i think i get it.

It bothers me that my tax money is going to kill people. I don’t want to kill anyone, i’m a nice guy. I’m convinced terrorists arn’t out to kill people like me. But when those nukes launch from north korea and the coat hanger and duct tape missle defense seystem misses, it’s good bye seattle….

I think ive been listening to too much system of a down but i’m really getting kinda nervous about this whole war thing. The “with us or against us” thing is what starts world wars. Are you ready to go through another world war?

*keeps screaming but is muffled out by the volume of Friends*

sleep and food is for the weak….

ugh…7 days on wagon and bam….just chilling on the back of the wagon, talking to myself about how i don’t need alcohol to have fun, then bam….

tanya was telling me i wasn’t going to be able to only have 2-3 beers and leave. fucking bitch was right. ugh…mad drunk……..worst part is the other toad is smiling and saying…ya know toad…it’s only 4am..a little bitch might quit drinking now but you dont play…you can just stay up drinking….sleep and food is for the weak….

i was just getting back to eating food and sleeping during the night and had to go fuck it all up. gotta be up, sober, shaven and ready to work in 4 hours…..4 hours….think of all the living i could do in those 4 hours im going to waste in my bed, laying on my stomach, thinking about girls and dreading work….

they love us for the kingston souuuuuunddddd


ugh wanted to update about something but can’t remember now….fuck…i was in the car…driving home…and i thought of something that was really funny and said to myself “oh well, you’ll remember it by the time you get home”


ugh, now this update is going even farther down the spiral. hmm lets quit while i’m ahead…or behind….


another day of sleeping till 2….ugh…i lie to the client about appointments train wrecking each other, shower and get back in the car and back to work….

used to be work, sleep, drink but now it’s work and sleep….guess this is what happens for 40 years until you die…

ugh no more pink floyd in the morning

yah! mad e-commerce up in this piece

been up all night working on just about every website i have access to. Horeboard still is in flames, fixed the horestore so that it displays the NO – W sticker along with the rest of the shirts….

it was awesome rolling into mail boxes etc with a bunch of shirts and stickers today. They look at them, pretend not to notice, look up at me and start asking questions…..i leave with a “business account” since i now frequent them a few times a week…

These shirts should sell out pretty soon, then we look towards the sun for new shirts….

everyone is drinking except you

all day long i saw people walking out of stores with beer, people drinking beer at resturants, passing liquor stores with smiling happy people, all preparing to start the weekend with alcohol.

i however, am not. it’s only been 48 hours and when i drive by a exxon i have this little voice that says “mmm doesn’t beer sound good?”. Something about the lights and the colors, i dunno.

The worst is driving by bars that you frequent. You recognize cars in the parking lot, you remember all the wonderfully intoxicated nights there.

I went to a bar tonight and i was okay, i ordered a “coke”, drank it while eating and was perfectly okay. Ate my meal, paid my tab and there was nothing more to it. I don’t need alcohol to have fun.

There are plenty of other things i need to have fun.

Well it’s fucking 4:30am because for some reason, i’m not tired. Go figure. The couch never looked so good….