getting high and taking the dog to the vet=bad
getting high and walking dog in park=good
Month: August 2003
what the fuck
AINTCHAMAMI: have u ever taken a piss in pitch black with a strobe light
AINTCHAMAMI: piss isnt 1 stream
AINTCHAMAMI: its a bunch of tiny balls of piss
AINTCHAMAMI: u can see it in the strobe light
scoutMASTERtoad: umm
AINTCHAMAMI: its insane
this kinda sucks
Our landlord moved to a new house a few days ago. We don’t know where it is, our rent is due today. I’m sitting here with the rent money, in cash, leaving another message on her answering machine.
This has to be some ultra leet way of scamming people out of late rent fees. The best part is i’ve been up since 6pm yesterday. I’m only at 23 hours but it feels more like 43.
Have a terrible feeling im going to wake up tommorow morning with the rent money spread out on my lap and a message saying we owe her a extra $90.
vampire toad awakes from his sleep
it’s 6pm….the voicemails on my phone have doubled….i climb out of the coffin i seep in now and stumble to the computers, cell phone and pipe in hand.
Guess my day begins as the sun goes down. This is day 3-4 of my new night time schedule…..feels so much more natural
god, this is so fucking funny. Last night i stumble in around 4am, looking forward to a nice nap in my own bed. Ian was engaged in pleasing some random girl, from the looking of the clothes in the living room. I shudder, grab my dog, turn up the dvd to ignore the terrible activities going on in the other room and fall asleep.
Around 8am i’m woke to the sound of Marla’s dog toy hitting my door. WTF. The dog was in my room when i fell asleep, what is she doing out. I hear this loud high pitched voice screaming commands at Marla. It sounds like a really young and really hyper teenager. I lay and wonder why the hell whoever Ia fucked is screaming at this hour.
Dear god ian, who did you bring home this time.
My mind wanders in it’s half asleep state, hearing this high pitched voice ask Ian several questions, always referring to him as “MISTER IAN!”. Dog toy flies down hallway several times, i fall asleep when Ian offers this random girl pizza and they drive off.
I lay there and wonder why Ian gets off by having a girl refer to him as Mr.
I wake up around 5pm, still wondering why Ian was fucking a hyper teenager. I call him and scream MISTER IAN! MISTER IAN! and ask him who the hell he was fucking that sounded like a 15 year old on crack.
He then explains that yes, he did have sex with a girl that night but then after she left and his friend, who named her son Ian, after Ian, dropped him off and that’s who was screaming Mister Ian! The pizza comment makes a little more sense at least.