into the new year

okay, i’d like to explain first off why the site is so fucked up. I decided to redesign my site, move apartments and do all my holiday shopping bullshit at the same time.

I’ve started almost ever day with a beer. But now i’m in my new place, a 3 bedroom with 2 other roommates, hardwood floors, etc. I went to school with one of my upstairs neighbers who my only complaint is them playing their hippy drums at 2pm when im just waking up. This is easily covered up by mp3s.

Things worth mentioning…..while at the thrift store, valerie and i were examining 2 rugs, neither had price tags. I ask this big black dude who is unloading a truck how much they cost. He replies “i’ll give ya both for twenty, where’s ya car parked?” I smile, hand him a $20, he puts it in his pocket and he slides the rugs into my car.

Cheating vets, what crackhore is all about. Hope he spent that $20 on drugs or alcohol.

Anyway, we go to the next thrift store…while walking thru the electronics section I notice something that probably shouldn’t be in a thrift store. One of those shiney new gameboy advance. I pick it up, notice it doesn’t have a price tag on it. I quickly remedy with this taking the tag off a $2.99 bookshelf that I was standing next to.

We get to the car after we go thru the checkout and we stop and Walgreens for batteries. The thing actually works. Only weird thing is everything in the game is in German. All the writings on the game and the gameboy are american but the game is locked in German.

Mad eBay action.

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