started out at neils, little bit of food. i was hungover from the night before, rushed to a meeting, went okay, picked up valerie.
we started cleaning apartment since we are being “inspected” sunday. i love having neighbers. neighbers = win
we head to the P & H. Having a great st patricks day, drinking pitcher beer, getting beat down by andrew in pool. Valerie freaks out since she thinks the lady at the bar stole her credit card. She hadn’t.
After she breaks a mirror and does other things that im not going to even mention on my site for her sake.
I sleep on the couch.
Wes and i head downtown Friday morning.
We meet the wrestler Big Show. I’m not really big into wrestling but famous people are always cool and this dude has been in some movies so after a night of not sleeping on the couch, i was down. We were meeting him at Hard Rock so figured i can get a bloody mary and maybe feel okay again.
It was great tho, this huge wrestler, i mean a huge orc of a man, is drawing the winner of the contest Wes won. See he Wes called in a day ago and won tickets to the wrestling thing in Memphis. He was also entered into a raffle for ring side tickets of the show in memphis and tickets to wrestlemania, which i think is the super bowl of wrestling.
*sips beer*
Anyway, Big Show is so big he can’t even fit his hand into the pitcher that has all the names in it, but one slip of paper floats out. It falls on the floor and he goes “no that’s the one, my hand can’t fit in the pitcher”. I yell out “WOOO WES!!!”, Big Show bends over, picks up the piece of paper, a astonished face appears and is like “umm yeah, Wes, are you here?”. People literally thought it was rigged, it was that ironic.
Wes wins the ring side tickets, some other dork wins the Wrestlemania tickets and we go home. The pictures of us meeting him will be up eventually but they are on a disposable camera that i bought on the way there. I need something called a “scanner”, i dunno, stupid computers.
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