i had to be said that i’m coming across quite a bit of player haters lately.
look, the bitch ran the red light. i’m driving along minding my own business when she slammed into me. read it outloud if you have to. tired of bitches telling me i need to stop going out at night cuz things like this happen.
I wish she had hit me during the day, maybe then you’d stop your little inner dialog, hating on me and my bad luck.
I’m honestly a little more paranoid then usual now. Near death experiences made you really appreciate life so you start to notice shit that could be god’s little gravelings trying to kill me.
Case in point, last night my friend Byron was helping me with a computer issue when we had to run to best buy. We stop at a gas station and i fill up his tank out of appreciation for the help. I look over and see this dumb bitch sucking down a cigarette while pumping gas. I turn to Byron and say “see, this is the shit i’m talking about it”. I mean not everyone knows that cell phones can ignite gas fumes but i thought everyone knew fire would do it also.
I always hear that most accidents happen at the home but at least it’s going to be my dumbass that can get me owned.
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