this might be the alcohol talking


I want to use this free service to explain a little bit about myself. I am a very accepting person. We are all humans at the end of the day and we need to stop hating on people.

Im going to say it

Mac users deserve the rights that homosexuals have. They need to be able to vote, drive and be able to get married. I am not going to hate anymore. I hangout with gay people, i should hangout with mac users. I mean it’s not their fault. I bet there is a Mac gene that you just inherit from a Mac uncle.

It’s cool. i understand. The laptop is shiney, i must buy it. The apple looks cute. But people who produce(straight people), need a PC to produce. Windows is a bitch, my shit doesn’t boot up sometimes, but at least i know i’m being up front with people.

So walk proud, out into the street with your rainbow t-shirt, your ipod, your ibook and your “life partner”. I’m not going to hate no more.

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