waffles and interracial gay couples

I made my girlfriend try out her new waffle iron this morning. Syrup, butter, everything. Can’t remember the last time i even had a waffle.

We went and looked at places to move this afternoon. It’s kinda depressing looking at these townhouses with pools for $100 more then im paying a month. I still can’t wait to call my landlord and give her the final “hey you better get your maintenance guy back over here to fix this place cuz im going to fuck it up before i leave.”

The final straw here was when i failed to explain to someone about how shitty this place is. Of course it’s a gay couple. A interracial gay couple. No more fun.

I need to take a picture of these 2 plastic light up frogs they’ve put outside on the porch. Before, i was like “oh okay, a black dude and a white dude living together, just roommates, cool.” The lightup frogs tho, that was like “ohhhhh i get it 🙁 gay”. Now don’t get me wrong, i have NOTHING against gay people, or mac users. I just havn’t any good experiences living next to gay men. I’ve lived next to lesbians and they were the best neighbors ive ever had. It’s just living next to 2 gay, it’s just doesn’t lead to anything good. When 2 gay men begin to “nest” together, they take on a whole much meaner attitude then when 2 lesbians get together.

These are all generalities, i’m just sayin…

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