i am so fucking terrified

so i wanted to drop a line before tonight because this might be the “last update” if you know what i mean.

since levi is going back to iraqi soon and rachel has never been, we’re going to platinum tonight.

here is the line up. merritt, rachel, sek and levi. this can’t go well, it just can’t.

i keep getting these little flashes in my head of tonight and im just so scared. i keep saying to myself, i’m not going to bring enough cash to get a lapdance. atm and credit card are staying at apartment. i am not doing drugs there, near there, or from there. im just going to look, not going to touch.

it’s funny as soon as i knew we were going i put on the the triple six mafia. to really get what im talking about when i say platinum, you can just use the search form. after doing a search for platinum on my site, i realized that my favorite strip club story isn’t up there.

one time when i was there with ian we sat in his car and watched 2 people like maybe 20 yards away from us, and do cocaine. then the blowjob. then they realize we’re both laughing our asses off. they move to the fried chicken parking lot and the blowjob continues. so fucking awesome. nothing describes that place better. triple six mafia needs to write a song about doing cocaine and getting a blowjob.

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