God, last night’s Sidestreet adventure was such a blur. I woke up and looked at the pictures and think this one kinda speaks for itself. When i first got there the entire red bar side was empty so i sat and talked with the bartender. She was having a bad day and poured herself and me a shot of jager. The toast was to ourselves. Everyone was out in full force last night. I don’t remember if i had a good time but i’m smiling in most of the pictures so i guess so.
Im starting to realize i have a problem. I’m turning into that girl who gets naked at bars. Except i’m not a girl. I’ve been working out every morning when wake up and i guess this is my way of showing it off? I don’t know.
Tarrance gave me a ride home last night and then went downtown and came back with a 12 pack of Bud Ice, which i’m not in the process of finishing off. Friends with beer are friends indeed.
Levi just called me about a hour ago and he said he’s on his way. He said he fired a M16 from a foxhole yesterday said he didn’t do very well at it. Guess it’s good we’re not driving around in foxholes in Iraq….
It’s Friday and Levi is almost back to Memphis which means the anarchy will start again. Lets hear it for enablers!
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