“dad you’re going to need to narrow that down”

so the other day my phone rings…it’s my dad….i have a pretty good relationship with fathertoad…he says “have you done anything lately that i need to know about?”

I’m sitting here with a cigerette in one hand and a beer in other…”dad you’re going to need to narrow that down”

im not going to into any details but i feel like i need to write about this….i’m not a good person by any means….i treat people like shit, steal, lie, cheat, drink and i love knives but i’m not going to do anything thats going to get my family in trouble….

i live by a creed and try to only steal from corporations and people who have done me wrong. come on dad, give me some credit…..i know he probably reads this site so maybe thats why im writing this…i still feel insulted tho….

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