well it’s 7:30am.on a monday…im smoking a cigar, blaring tori and drinking a natural ice.
so im stalking this new girl…..i met her at tracks the other night and she made the bad mistake of talking to me and making eye contact with me….i got her phone number from michelle and vaguely remember calling her last night…..she’s so not attracted to me and it’s making it even more fun…
now i’m writing about her which makes it even worse. i hope my homeless girlfriend in nola doesn’t read about her….she might be the jealous type…..
anyway, this new girl is named lyndie…or linda…..i used the phrase “im going to keep calling until you have drinks with me”. i think i need to buy a book on how to flirt because after all that time with valerie i got a little spoiled. it’s bad because i know you should not use the word “im stalking you” when you call a girl…..
she’s going to wake up hungover and naked in my bed.
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