Okay lately the da vinci code has been in the news A LOT. This has brought the whole idea of all of this into daily discussion. I don’t want really wanna spend too much time on this update since i’m trying to get some work done but the da vinci code actually does a lot more harm then good. And by good, i mean exposing the lies of the Vatican and that asshole disciple Paul who wrote Mary out of the story.
Look, he fucked that hooker because jesus didn’t judge people like you do. She was hot, she “washed his feet”, owned her with his huge jesus cock. They didn’t have cunt pills or condoms back then so she got knocked up. No wonder they nailed him to the cross. This hippie is talking about peace, love and fucking a hooker. He didn’t die, fled to France, died there and was buried there.
Anyway, the new movie is really fucking with that because it’s fiction. It’s great because it brings all this shit up for discussion and maybe, someone reading my site, might start to think all the lies told to them by their church, might just be bullshit. The problem is people think it’s all fiction. And it’s not.
Movies can be great tributes. Saving Private Ryan, Titanic, Tora, Tora, Tora…..lots of great movies, well, not Titanic, that were wonderful tributes and honored what had happened.
I think i’m just getting really sick of people on the internet saying “it’s fiction, chill out”. It’s not, it’s a fiction movie based on something that really happened. Maybe this is the first step in people opening their eyes on this matter. Problem is people are taking this shit and thinking it’s totally fiction. It’s not. I can’t believe people buy into the bible crap when there is actual fact that something else happened.
I’m done. Please people, just because something is a work of fiction, it doesn’t mean it’s not based on truth. Got it? okay good.
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