i won’t forget what im looking for

I am such a failure at dating.

Last night a girl, lets call her….Sara, msgs me on yahoo. We talk and she says she’s gonna go lay down and asks if i want to talk over the phone. Now in retrospect, i should have said “naw i gotta be up at 7(which i did), i’m wasted on sleeping pills and jug wine, might not be the best time for us to talk”.

But instead i give her my phone number and she calls. I can’t really write a great update about this because i don’t remember much about our conversation. It was probably a perfect example of “wow this girl likes me but i keep ruining it with what i say”. I need to be the dark, silent type but instead i’m the insane, talk to much type instead.

I guess it’s just my style tho. I can’t game on girls anymore. It’s just pure honesty and depending on how much wine i’ve had it can be even more pure. Too pure. Oh well.

Wish i was special.

look at me rocking out

i’m on the crackhore

with scoutmaster and toad.

Yeah so i’m enjoying my single life of sitting at home and drinking. I found out valerie is telling people she broke up with me instead of vice versa. Sounds good, whatever. I know cute little goth girl is having a lot of problems getting laid compared to insane alcoholic webdesigner. Take whatever you  want. Don’t start start talking too much shit or else i post the pics i have of you. 🙂

Anyway, the last new orleans visit was fun but i need to start getting serious about leaving this ghetto ass city. This isn’t where i was ever supposed to be and it’s time to deal with it. By the end of this week we should be good to go. Dunno if im moving to Ozark, New Orleans, or Jackson, MS. don’t care.

The time has come for better things.

I sit here and sweat in my shitty over priced apartment and wonder where exactly i went wrong. Probably not anything to discuss on crackhore but still. This isn’t the life i expected at 25 and i guess only i can change this.

Lets here it for delegation.

Okay i’m going to finish this beer and lay down on the floor next to my computers, waiting for Caryn to call me and ask me if i want to go to karaoke.

I shouldn’t tho.


in case you havn’t noticed the new updates…im basically uploading all the misc content over the years and adding it to this system. I’m not changing the dates because i don’t know the dates and i might as well let everyone see some old school shit.

kind of a long story

So boar pastes me this link to a car forum where they are showing pics of them racing across the country in their super exotic cars. I’m fucked up and decide to start some shit. I ask everyone in the forum if i think this chick in a picture with one of the racers, would fuck me if i didn’t have a Ferrari.

Banning from forum ensues but i still got mine.
