why take home a fat ugly chick when you bring home a hot sexy tranny

i mean seriously.

is it worse then bringing home a fat chick? come on. at least he looks like a girl instead of the blimp you’re fucking. at least a hot ass tranny looks like a girl. I mean, is it less worse then a fat girl? Hot tranny or ugly fat chick. Come on. I dunno, i mean i think it’s gay to fuck fat girls. If it’s some guy that looks like a really hot chick, have a few drinks and bam, you’re not sleeping with a fat chick.

I don’t want to feel like im stepping over a line on this but i mean just think this out. I’ve had this conversation with Peter and well…everyone lately but what really is more “gay”. Fucking a really huge blimp or taking home a hot ass tranny. Like are you that straight that you’ll spread some huge waves of cellulite and stretch marks just to get to some fat chick’s mating hole? Yeah dude, just fuck that fuck fat chick.

In the great words of Chris Rock….I’m not saying i’d kill the bitch, but i understand.

I’m not saying im going to start fucking trannies…. but i understand.

If there is one thing MySpace has taught me is there are a lot of fucking hot ass trannies.

I’m just saying i understand.

That’s it.


Stop looking at me.

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