so sek is on his way out to collierville today to put a flower on his girlfriend julies window as a supprise because, well, actually i dont know why, sek is straight gangsta and doesn’t do shit like that, she must have him whooped.  anyway…  hes ballin down bill morris when he notices a crackhore sticker on a a girls car, he slows and tries to see if she looks familiar…..


Im chilling leet style at Reginallas on Magazine and sek rolls deep into my phone. I answer and he says he just saw a Ford swerving out in Collerville with a crackhore sticker on it’s gas cap. I know excactly who this is. I tell sek imma call him back in a few and call amanda. Amanda looks to her left and sek is doing this weird serial killer 4 finger wave to her. She says “yeah he’s waving at me, this is really creepy.”.

I call sek back and he’s like “yah dude, u can’t escape crackhore!!!”. I agree.

This is a good example of umm, don’t take stuff from toad or else weird motherfuckers are gonna wave at your ass on the interstate? shit i dunno…

hail satan

at least this made my day, might not make yours

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