nothing ever works

I know it’s kinda normal to wake up feeling this shitty every day. I think you really become a adult when you realize that you’re probably not ever going to get farther in life then where you are at now. There is no bright future, no happy ending, no light at the end of the tunnel. We work our shitty lives just to maintain a place to live, a car to drive and money to eat and insurance to cover your car. You get about 5 hours per workday for yourself, the rest is just rotting and trying to replace whats broken.

This is probably just the memphis talking but i really can’t wait for the sweet cold release of death. Knowing that you’re never going to have to deal with another asshole redneck about his website, never pay another timewarner or mlgw bill, never have deal with another vague error message, sounds pretty good right now.

It sucks that my site has become so emo and i think a lot of this has to do with turning 26. I’ve gotten rid of my lame girlfriend, i’ll be out of this shitty city by september but what do i do until then? You can only spend so many hours killing time at your computers watching movies and talking on aim. Every girl i’ve met in this redneck city has the the depthness of your average house pet. Oh well, it’s back to new orleans again.

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