fucking support chat

Dmitry: Hello. You have successfully connected to your technical services operator. Please wait one moment while I verify and review your information.
Dmitry: Please provide me with some more details on your issue
scoutmastertoad: 🙁
Anthony: Hello scoutmastertoad! Please hold on for a moment I\’ll check your domain and issue.
scoutmastertoad: we have been having problems for almost a week now, the site is back up but the email is still erroring out
Anthony: COuld you please tell me what errors you have and what email addresses.
scoutmastertoad: all of the email addresses on XXXX.COM get the error
scoutmastertoad: Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


—– Original message —–
Anthony: OK, one moment please.
Anthony: COuld you please tell me if you\’re a VMS owner.
scoutmastertoad: urd
scoutmastertoad: yes
Anthony: OK, one more question. You receive mail when you send or receive mail? And do you use any mail client?
scoutmastertoad: it\’s when i email the XXXX.COM domain
scoutmastertoad: thats the error i recieve
Anthony: OK, please hold on one more moment I\’ll check further.
Anthony: OK, it appears, that your domain is not in sendmail. I have to create a ticket to add your domain to sendmail file.
scoutmastertoad: thank you
Anthony: Your case number is 1161362. WE\’ll contact you as soon as add domain to send mail file.
scoutmastertoad: how will you be contacting me?
Anthony: We\’ll send you email to jesus@crackhore.com?
scoutmastertoad: 🙁 okay
Anthony: Is that ok?
scoutmastertoad: can you see how many tickets ive had open on this website 🙁
Anthony: Let me check.
Anthony: You now have 3 opened. And 2! regarding sendmail.
scoutmastertoad: im going to cut XXXX.COM into my chest with a broken beer bottle 🙁
scoutmastertoad: thanks for your help tho
Anthony: Your domain will be put into sendmail once DNS propagation takes place.
Anthony: It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you for using our Web Hosting CHAT Technical Support Center. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Have a nice day!

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