Wes and i went out drinking last night and ended up wanting to get some food about 2am. We call the Deli to order a pizza and the girl is like “you know the chef’s are gonna be pissed, we’re about to close” but they take the order anyway.
We walk in and on the to go counter there is our pizza but theres also 5 to go boxes. The girl that works there is all stressed out cuz someone ordered 4 orders of hot wings and a order of cheese fries. They’re about to close so Wes offers her $10 for the food. She goes and asks her boss and comes back and says sure.
So we’re walking down Young with all this food like “wow this is like thanksgiving!”. Get home, chow down, and crack open a case of beer. From now on 7/16 is hotwings and beer day. New crackhore holiday.
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