the key quest part fucking 3

So today in toad’s key quest:

I call around today, still desperate to find a dealership that can cut me a key based on the car’s keycode. It’s like $20 if you do it through a dealer. Honestly one of the guys at work **** said i should call baton rouge and mississippi and try to get them to cut you a key and overnight it to myself.

The logistics of this is bad cuz the registration, etc is in the car. Anyway, i call pop a lock, much better then the fucking assholes at liberty locksmith. The cool lesbian style woman pulls up, it takes her about 45 minutes to get a key to work. I tell her this is normal and that everything involved with me in the least bit has to be totally fucked up. She says, and i quote, “then why are you letting it rub off on me, im trying to fix your car”. I just sighed and said i didn’t know.

She gets me a key, i drive to my interview. This girl is a lot younger, has a child, but almost seems like someone i would hangout with. But you never know. I’m really anxious about tomorrow,  so far between the 2 it’s really made me wonder what kind of person i need/want.
Oh well. 3 more interviews this week and i im going to make a decision.  I needed help 6 months ago, now it’s just reaching epidemic levels.

The katrina victims websites i once saved from the raising waters are now each other trying to get the 1 hour of support i provide monday thru friday.
If that.

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