turn around

here is your toad mental image of the day…

i woke up this morning pretty early…kelly is meeting her mom to go furniture shopping so she has to leave early. i force some morning sex on her, even tho it’s late. i get up and stroll to the computer, turn the monitors on.

sam had been msging me last night. his aim window is full of total eclipse of the heart lyrics.

i hit youtube and have the song blaring within a few seconds, singing along and not missing a single verse.

head laying on the glass desk, looking really dramatic.

every now and then i fall apart.

she looks over and can’t stop laughing. pulling on her “i heart chocolate city” tshirt and jeans, laughing at her melodramatic boyfriend sitting naked at the computer singing total eclipse of the heart to himself.

the more things change the more things stay the same.

i’m meeting her and her mom for dinner tonight after they go shopping. this is a much more difficult situation then thanksgiving. with holiday situations there is so much static, so many people all talking, turkey, deserts. i’ve never actually done anything like this before. mothers tend to love me.

i have the entire morning and afternoon to myself….i should do everything and nothing

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