i’ll beat a website down with a aluminum bad.
so it’s 8:30 on sunday. last night was tool. peter and christy came in town. it was amazing. everything this weekend was magical. that’s pretty much all i can say. tool was insane, their shows are consistently getting better with each tour. jambi was great, flood was great, rosetta stoned was fucking incredible.
we all went to port of call before and had cheeseburgers. we has them. if you had asked me that day if i could take them to any restaurant in new orleans, i would have said port of call. kelly drives us to handsome willy’s where we buy a beer or two. i’m drinking jager in the middle of the street out of kelly’s trunk…really shouldn’t have been smoking outside…anyway
after the show we went drinking. i don’t remember a large part of this obviously. we stop at the quarter master for one last meal. if you’ve never been to the quarter master on bourbon street then you’re missing out. this place is heaven. liquor, beer and food. 24 hours a day. and i’m not talking some poboys or fried chicken or whatever. this is real food. i love their bbq chicken. i almost came while eating the left overs a minute ago.
we got home and i break out the shot glasses and the bottle of jager. many shots were taken. i was honestly pretty hammered by the end of the night. poor kelly was pretty much sober. she told me today that i was telling her i want her to have my children.
i really don’t know what to say about kelly anymore. it’s hit me that i’m going to be with her for a while. we’re both kinda preparing for it. i’m actually surprised i haven’t scared her away. i hate to feel like im bragging about her but i just don’t care…peter and christy said they had never seen me like this…
time for another beer and back to bed. i for once can say i am totally happy with my life. things have really worked out for the good. i feel like everything bad that’s happened to me in my past has been forgiven. finally got a good hand for a change and hopefully i won’t show my cards.