last night kelly and i were hanging out around her apartment. she sat down with a fresh drink. something had been bothering me. when you’re with someone you care about, you worry about what they put in their body. not that i’m exactly a health nut i stay away from certain things. high frutose corn syrup, bread, pasta, other evils that you don’t need to put in your body…
quinne is one of those things they put on the label of tonic water because it’s really bad for you, period. i ask kelly to switch to club soda because of the quinne. it’s like helping her quit smoking, i’m helping. encouraging healthy things.
it turns out the tonic water in her kitchen, what kind of set me off on this crusade for health, was tonic water i bought for her, thinking she drank tonic and vodka instead of vodka and club soda…it was my fault the deadly beverage was even in her apartment…
it finally hits me and the whole circle was complete…the worst part is there are only 2 left so 4 of them have already been consumed by me or her…
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