i fucking hate crackers

okay i’ve heard this from a few people, including some crazy woman on the bus and so many people have asked me about that i want to put this up here.  now i live one black off of magazine, a yuppy street with lots of art dealers, expensive restaurants, etc. it’s all very pretty and “new orleansy” but it comes at a cost.

now the thing about magazine is the most corporate thing is a starbucks, everything else is mom and pop…but on this one area there is a little strip mall…3 stores…a big blockbuster, a subway and a chinese food place. people are getting all upset because they say it ruins the “feel” of the street….it’s total bullshit and i’d love to find someone who disagrees just so i could ask them to go tell the owner of that subway franchise that he’s not “good enough” and that we need one more stupid shop.

now i can kinda follow it, i really can. i hate the huge blockbuster sign. i hate blockbuster. i don’t know why they even exist anymore. but the subway and the chinese place are owned by business owners, no subway is owned by the corporation, it’s just a fucking franchise…and you know sometimes i don’t feel like spending $10 on a goddamn meal because i happen to be hungry in my own neighborhood.

yesterday at the coffee shop that ive been using to interview my new assistant i got talking with another web guy i’ve seen up there. he asks me if i’ve heard about this bullshit and i say “yeah i heard a lady on the bus ranting about it”. He asks if i’ve been to the chinese place, i tell him no. He says it has the personality of a convenience store but it’s cheap and good.

so last night after several shots of jager i roll up into the chinese place and order dinner. i’m almost tempted to try to say i’m going to start eating there frequently to support their cause but i realize soon that they probably don’t speak much english and neither do after all the beer and jager.

it was really funny when i first heard about this. i was on the bus going downtown and this really old white woman is sitting close to the front and having a forced type conversation with the bus driver about this topic. i had never heard about it before and listened intently.  she’s going on and on how unfair it is that these people are getting ganged up on and goes on to say “it’s all white people that are bitching”.

i think about it and really consider how true that must really be.  i’m really ashamed to be white. it’s a real sign of the way things are going in this country, that the rich are getting so rich that they are getting bored and scanning the horizon for things that bother them…

i’ve seriously been thinking about trying to find the next time the group that is pressuring meets up.  call the news stations and get some signs.

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