i forgot about to write about this but last saturday at the bulldog i saw someone i recognized from the internet. it was really creepy(for her too), i knew exactly who she was…had seen her on hotornot and actually had replied to one of her posts on craigslist…i friended her on myspace too..(not going to put the link in this post)…anyway, ive never actaully had a conversation with her, just weird bumping into her on 3 dating sites…must be as lonely as me…
it sucks because she’s with this huge guy and i’m drunk. i announce to the group of people i’m with about how i know her so suddenly we have 8 people staring at her…she notices and is now like “what the fuck is that table staring at me for”…i was waiting for a fight…i want to send her a message on myspace saying “hey think i saw you?” but that sounds almost as creepy as writing about it on crackhore 😀
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