new layout sucks so bad

i love it…stole a theme and modified it for my needs…i love it, crackhore, just behind your fence. im giving him props, he should feel special im ripping off one of his themes because im so sick and tired of the previous theme.  i figure too we need to evolve as a site to something equally as terrible. i might just change it monthly, rip off someone else’s theme and just keep them cycling.

too much work.

i’ll swap them out when i feel like it.

everyone pretty much knows me or has followed the train wreck on facebook, about the completely terrible few months i’ve had, some more then others. the ones that heard others, don’t fucking tell anyone else.

oh well, i have to be up early, i’m totally wide awake from staring at the monitors in the dark.

perfect end to another terrible redesign.

the next one will be worse.

and don’t forget to msg me on aim and tell me i haven’t updated enough.


I seem to only write on this site while i’m bitter and single.  So here we are. Facebook has become the anti crackhore, i update it constantly and need to figure out how to blend the two. Because not everyone on facebook is cleared to read this site, i can’t post on FB that i’ve reset the password, upgraded wordpress and am officially back.

im going to be working on a new design just because this shit is way old school. i’m going to break out a bottle of wine, get out some tori and do this like we were back in 2002.

because everything is pretty much exactly like that in maturity anyway 🙂