Champale Red Berry

Champale Red Berry

After i finished the Extra Dry and Golden Champale, I figure, lets just get the last one of out of the way. The clerk at the store seemed surprised that they even carried it. I should have took that as a sign. Luckily the previous 2 Champale’s gave me enough courage to try it anyway.

This one however, tasted nothing like it’s brothers. The best way i can describe Red Berry Champale is if you took Cherry Koolaid and mixed with tonic water and beer. I choke down half of it and throw it the rest in the fridge. The next night, after drinking a Miller High Life, the laziness takes control and I finish the Red Berry out of pure boredom.

Toad’s ghetto beer review opinion? I give Champagne Red Berry a 3 hairpicks out of 10. This was horrible. It really didn’t even feel like I was drinking anything in the beer family. This is one step above Zima and 6 steps behind everything else.

.:Champale Red Berry

4 hairpicks out of 10

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