Eric and Mary too me to a birthday party last night. We got there around 9 and i slowly realized that i was one of few straight men there. Eric says thats good for me. Normally i would agree but gay men dress so much better then straight men, therefore i was a natural disadvantage.
It’s weird how antisocial ive become lately. It takes X amount of alcohol to make me feel okay to say anything to Y now. Oh well…..i really don’t trust anyone sober anymore….if your vice isn’t perfectly clear to me, then it’s probably something dark and scary. It’s always those people that look down on me for being a lush that are out there raping and killing neighberhood pets.
I’m really enjoying my new camera. I’m still learning the little tiny aspects of that make all the great pictures but I really need to learn to more bold in my photography. Don’t be afraid to ask someone if you can take their picture. Perfect example, the New Orleans gutter girl that i am now deeply in love with. I’ll never see her again and my terrible english skills can barely describe her in full gutter glory. Last night i saw this guy that looked like David Bowie’s brother. Would have been great to be able to show people sunday morning.
This week i’m going to take a picture of something that i normally would be too afraid to photograph. Life is too short to live with regret and doubt. Better to get beat up and your camera stolen then to umm never love at all?
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