i won’t forget what im looking for

I am such a failure at dating.

Last night a girl, lets call her….Sara, msgs me on yahoo. We talk and she says she’s gonna go lay down and asks if i want to talk over the phone. Now in retrospect, i should have said “naw i gotta be up at 7(which i did), i’m wasted on sleeping pills and jug wine, might not be the best time for us to talk”.

But instead i give her my phone number and she calls. I can’t really write a great update about this because i don’t remember much about our conversation. It was probably a perfect example of “wow this girl likes me but i keep ruining it with what i say”. I need to be the dark, silent type but instead i’m the insane, talk to much type instead.

I guess it’s just my style tho. I can’t game on girls anymore. It’s just pure honesty and depending on how much wine i’ve had it can be even more pure. Too pure. Oh well.

Wish i was special.

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