ive started on my book and you’re all in it, whether you like it or not

I’ve started it and you’re all fucking in it. everyone who has ever talked to me.
Especially if you are a girl. Or a website client.
I’m going to give first drafts to my small circle of friends. I’m trying to remember every story or experience that has made my life what it is but i’m going to need their help. I know i’ve forgot a lot of good shit and need their help to help with the dates.

It’s been rough tho. My life hasn’t been all that great.  A lot of bad things have lead me to where i’m at now. I just want to record enough to where i won’t disappear completely. I guess i will someday, just like this site, but i might as well try.

Kinda makes me want to have kids. So they can continue to drink and write.

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