nothing can stop me now

so tomorrow im going to ask out the security guard at work. everyday she flirts. or in my mind she does. now normally i don’t hit on black girls, well, never before, but i’m sure it’s a lot like picking up white girls on aim. Even if she has a boyfriend, you have to just do things because you feel it in your heart. Even if your heart isn’t sober. Especially if it isn’t.

today i went out to lunch with the woman i work with and when we came back she checks our ids and asks her “what are you doing with him?”. J* asks me why the security guard asked her that and i ask her if she could see us together. She says no.
I have to do it tomorrow. I got the perfect shirt laid out, going to put on the nice shoes, everything.

the excitement is going to keep me up. i’m so afraid she’s not working tomorrow.

wow i didn’t even think of that. I gotta try anyway. The thought of utter rejection from her is just as appealing as complete sucess. The problem is i can picture utter rejection, me walking to the office and looking back, her and her co-worker rolling on the ground laughing at the white boy 🙁

I really wonder what a date would be like with her tho.

Maybe i’ll print this out and bring it to her tomorrow.

naw just publish

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