i love this time of year. i’m meeting kelly’s family thursday, i have 3 company parties in december…then i go to memphis for christmas and then new years. and then mardi gras.
then i will have settled into 2008 with severe liver damage and hopefully a girlfriend that still loves me.
this is the 1st year i’m throwing a company holiday party for my own company. it’s like throwing a normal party with kegs and drugs but…with work. i’ve been trying to pull this off and not look like a idiot. i close my eyes and imagine it going off perfectly. i look at every detail and memorize it. then i put it into this huge manic crazy to do list with circles, squares, stars and lots of lines.
it’s so cheesey but if you can hallucinate your perfect dream and remember enough details, it might not get the results you wanted but it’ll get the results you imagined…if you can’t think of it then you fucked up and you have to deal with it. you can’t predict last minute stuff. thats when your true skills get tested. we all have the same tools, the internet and a cell phone.
hail darwin
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