okay today was the first day of voodoofest…wes, faschi and i ride out there and park in the vip parking which actually was a huge hassle…
we get in and split ways while wes buys a ticket and i head to check out the vip lounge. i walk in and order a beer and sit down in one of the many tents full of leather furniture and food in some of them.
i head out and watch wyclef which was pretty awful…it did give me time to do…other things. so i’m done smoking and the evil toad starts to come out. a group of what look like teenage girls are taking pictures. they take a picture of all their hands/wrists showing their wrist bands. i quickly put my hand in and they take the picture and ask why i have a black wrist band. i smile and tell them. they then do the classic “we’re at a festival picture” and they’re all grouped in. i sneak into a empty space and give a really weird smile right before they take the pic. gonna be so great being on her myspace page 😀
i msg bruce and meet up with him and vanessa in the bingo tent for the bingo show, which was pretty damn cool. afterwards vanessa shows me the bottle of gray goose she succesfully smuggled in(which i dont know how). she pours me a redbull and vodka and things get even more crazy.
i go back to the vip lounge and go into one of the tents. they have all this amazing food and now there are bottles of wine and vodka. i walk in with a big smile, grab some really good looking chicken, vegetables and get a bottle of water. i eat and kinda make small talk with the other people there. finally i throw my plate away and i ask the woman “is that vodka just free for everyone too?”
she goes “no this is actually a tent for the company that throws this event, do you not work for them?”
i smile and begin backing out of the tent with a huge smile and ease on out of the tent and head to see the reverend horton heat. great fucking show. they played a cover of black sabbath’s paranoid.
then stone temple pilots….which was fucking amazing. i live in a world of disappointment, nothing is ever as i really want it, but this show was exactly as bad ass as i hoped and prayed. every song was slowed down and just sounded awesome.
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