
i subscribe to the bill hicks philosphy of how our goverment works.
I’ll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. ‘I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.’ ‘I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.’ ‘Hey, wait a minute, there’s one guy holding out both puppets!’

It doesn’t fucking matter if you vote for obama or mccain, nothing is changing. It still shows a lot about who someone is based on how strongly they feel about politics.

For example, this weekend i saw lots of hot chicks wearing obama shirts. He’s like the new bill clinton, chicks just love him, love buying his shirt, love promoting whatever it is he promotes. It’s cute, i’m not gonna not date a chick cuz she believes in this fake ass system of goverment we have, it’s cool she believes that anyone can fucking help us now.

I’ll date a chick who is into Obama and wants a change for the future. Yeah it’s fucking broad but at least it’s optimistic, that’s cool…i don’t subscribe to it but whatever.

anywa,y i met a girl a few weeks ago at a bar and saw her again last night. really cool girl, really cute, she sits down next to me and we talk, etc. we get along fairly well, as well as any woman does with me when im drinking whiskey….i make a joke about how i want to get a mccain/palin sign for my yard just to piss everyone off in my neighberhood…the irony of the drunken pothead webdesigner who spends his days in hawaiian and camo, nin blaring, with his 2 dozen mccain palin signs…just disinformation on a whole other level….really embrazen the obama supporters in uptown nola.

she says “oh wow heh imma vote for mccain” and i just get shut down. i don’t know what to say…i think about it almost like religion, it’s something she picked up from her family and just never let it go…vote republican, hate black people…whatever…i guess what threw me off was this chick is really good friends with 2 really gay friends of mine, i guess she’s just complex.

i think it was a double punch of someone thinking their vote counted and if it did count they’d choose the old dude who is about to die and the insane soccer mom…

the only reason i want obama to win is because the rest of the planet will say:

“okay cool, they fucked up and accidently elected bush, now they have this black dude obama who all the rednecks say is muslim but he’s not but has a muslim name but at least they have pulled themselves out of the drunken downward spiral of white dudes, our war of terrorism has been won”

i also love that once we have a cool black president it’ll kill some of the racism in america…like look, white doods have treated you like shit forever but we have a black president and now you can see how level the playing field is? it’s racist to say it but we need a black president.  he could be the worst president ever  but the US is in a PR nightmare and i think we need a cool black dude to help us out?

i don’t fucking trust wihte people because i know what i do on a daily basis. we are evil. read books.

funny to think this started out with “why i am having trouble being attracted to a republican” and it turns into “why i hate everyone who votes”

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