happy thanksgiving!!!!

welp another thanksgiving rolls around. stayed in new orleans for a few reasons which sucks because michelle is in memphis. we’ve talked a few times how weird it is that she’s never met my parents since i seem to introduce most every female in my life to my parents(to prove im not gay).

i’m not sure if it was her idea or mine but she wanted to stop by my parents house and meet them. i mean if she’s moving in with me it’s probably good for her to you know, meet the first people i ever lived with.

she just called while on her way there telling me to thank her. i do. so right now while i listen to marilyn manson tainted love and drink my beaujolais, my girlfriend michelle is hanging out with my parents without me. which is a little strange. i hope they don’t talk about me 🙁

probably about a hour from now, the baby pictures will come out.

i’m really glad she’s getting to meet them…i’m a lot like my dad or at least i try to be. i just hope they behave.

anyway, as soon as i get off the phone with michelle giving her last minute directions, i call my parents. my mom answers and we talk for a minute, then she goes “oh she’s here…oh wow she’s cute”.

i say “well of course!” which almost turns into “i can date a cute girl, shutup mom”….so right now they are hanging out. definitely says something about her that she’s willing to do that. the farthest i’ve been able to go is msging her mom on facebook letting her know she can call me if she wants to know who i am, how i got to where i am, etc….

i still love that her parents have been introduced to me via facebook. my facebook comments are pretty much a sanitized version of crackhore so her im surprised they didn’t chain her to a radiator when they saw my pic and comments.

she’ll be here saturday…i need to finish cleaning up the apartment before she gets here…right now…