web monster

10pm – valerie and i meet my client from cincinnati at earnestine and hazels. i get the usual stareswith the laptop because most people there havn’t heard of wireless, much less know theres a unsecure network somewhere near by.

10:20pm – client gets there, we pick out a new image for the homepage. we find one on istock, i crop it out and paste it in his site. it looks leet as fuck. behind us, these 4 old black people are dancing. i can’t describe it since i was hard at work but from what valerie told me, it was pretty fucked up.

11ish, i think – we head to the blue monkey now that the site is finished. im wearing a black hot 107.1 shirt. all 3 of us look out of place. i shouldn’t have drank so many budweisers at earnestines. 2 new castles later, we are walking with my client to the lofts next to the blue monkey.

12ish – we stumble down the street to the lofts where his sister lives and where he’s been staying. he’s going to get his sister’s dog, who needs to be walked and grab us a bottle of wine. valerie and i get lost trying to find the roof.

1am – valerie and i are laying in lawn chairs on the top of the lofts. someone left a really nice stereo up there, already turned on. the view is so nice. i wish i was rich and lived downtown. valerie goes to find a bathroom, riders on the storm comes on.

no idea – just looked outside window, car is here, guess we drove home.

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