Still homeless, still hungry, still have everything i own in the trunk of my car. I can’t seem to find my digital camera, i may have left it at a friend’s house this weekend or it could be buried under the piles of crap in my backseat. Until then you’re just gonna get text updates, no pics, life sucks, sorry. I know for a while i was having a cool pic with every update and everyone was all happy and smiling and dancing. Well the camera needs to be found again and i need to establish a new CrackCaveâ„¢ so i can find a place to setup Hore3â„¢.
Im kinda worried about something though. I know alot of times apartments want you to put down a huge deposit. I don’t have a bank account in LA yet because i don’t have a apartment. Therefore, i must somehow get a address to get a bankaccount but since i can’t get a bankaccount without a address, im kinda shit out of luck. So have i have this huge cashiers check that i can’t put in a bank account in LA because i don’t have a address. I also heard you need a valid in state driver’s liscense to get a bank account but it’ll be really tough to get a driver’s license without a home address which i can’t get because i won’t have enough money in cash without having a bank account. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I AM GOING TO BE HOMELESS MY ENTIRE LIFE BECAUSE THE SYSTEM SUCKS.
Anyway. If you live in the LA area and are cute, please msg me and let me stay at your apartment, please?
mp3 of the day: Whitesnake – Here i go again on my own.mp3
BeEnough: what keeps me off of drugs and alcohol is and its stories.
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