I was going to surpise whats left of my fans with a great update today with a editorial and everything but i copied the editorial to a floppy disk and then left the disk at the Crackcave. Damn.
On another note, i need to meet more friends. It’s great having Ian here because when i get that power cable for my camera i’ll have a partner in crime for a few projects have i planned. Only one of them is technically illegal so i should be able to write about them. Yeah, anyway, so ian and i have been pretty bored. Tuesday we had a bad day at work so we came home, drank a forty by the porch, went inside and stared at each other for about a hour and then went to sleep. I need to meet some more women too.
I’m really excited about Steve coming to Memphis this weekend. Steve is one of those people you meet and you realize they arn’t like everyone else. I don’t know all you normal people have friends that just seem like comic book heros but it definetely adds to the richness in life.
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