
I swear the only thing to do in this fucking city on Friday is get drunk or high. I have neither drugs or alcohol either. I’m about to go to Tracks out of total fucking boredom.

Last night i was searching for “drunk” and looking at other people’s drunk pics for a change. It’s crazy how many millions of drunk motherfuckers upload their drunk pics that only seem really funny to them.

I guess i could probably stay in and work but fuck, working on a friday night is almost as lame as working on a saturday…blah….you know you’re really a bored motherfucker when feeding the dog becomes a whole little fun activity in itself. Most people open the can of food, dump it into the bowl and walk away. Tonight i’m heating her Prime Cuts(In Gravy) up in the microwave, adding Fajita Seasoning and putting a little piece of parsley in it. The way her tail is wagging like crazy makes me think she likes it…..

Blah, gonna go meet felix up at tracks, the alcohol must be consumed whether i like it or not.

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