it took you, to make me realize! it took you to make me ralize!

my good friend tonya brought to mind a certain memory i had once. I was at Neils, just finished singing some karoke and my friend Angie and her friend eat a huge basket of hot wings. i really wish i could remember the name of angie’s friend but the lack of sleep and…whiskey is probably not helping….


her friend was picking through these wings, sucking the chicken off the bones, sauce all over her face, hands and even a little on her neck. She’s smiling, laughing, drunk as shit, just chowing down on these wings. Wing after greasey wing, goes in and out of her mouth as she picks and sucks the meat from the bone.

I stare for about 15 minutes, like memorizing every detail for later masturbation session. Finally, she finishes her basket of wings, leans back in her chair, her tight t-shirt showing her erect, satisfied nipples and exclaims how good those wings were.

how good they were…

mumble mumble

ugh…woke up at 6pm yesterday evening…saw diane price play, went to office, worked on my dad’s site until 4am…came home, played warcraft, played grand theft auto, played piano….somehow it became 11:15am…im drinking my 2nd evan and coke…wondering how much longer im gonna be able to stay awake….

think i may be going to baton rouge for some more piracy webdesign….toad, sailing the highways, designing anything for anyone at any cost. arrrr matey!


i stretch, my eyes quickly hesitate for that usual sting of sunlight, but they are greeted by only darkness. I fumble for my glasses and cellphone and get out of bed.

I check,,, rotten news and to see if anything has happened while i was asleep.


Then comes the aim windows up.

This is my usual morning.

But it’s 5:26pm 🙁

Highlight tho, i won’t have to shower since no one is at the office at 6pm on a sunday night. or we hope not.

goth and industrial night at 616

hmm, as i put on my black pants and my black sweatshirt, i prepare for “goth and industrial night” at 616, or “the spot” as they call it now. I am ready to stare at beautiful goth girls, clad in all black, sporting piercings of all natures and aloof ideas of what a guy should be like.

i am so excited.

tonight i’ll stumble home, drunk, high and probably under the influence of anything else i can find tonight, put on some 70’s porn, jerk off and fall into another drunken coma. Then tommorow, at the bright hour of noon, i shall awaken and rise again, drive to the office and spend the saturday knee deep in PHP and HTML.

this is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time

diet beer :(

t0ughtitties: BEEEEEER
t0ughtitties: hahahah. “new michelob ultra has fewer carbs and fewer calories. we doubt you’ll miss them. ….the ultimate reward for an active lifestyle…” gawd. they even have diet beer now.
scoutmastertoad: diet beer = 666

i’m not lazy, i’m just really unmotivated….

hehe…i love how it goes from “mmm i woke up at 9, i can go for a run before my meeting” to “mmm i woke up at 9, now i time to do drugs before my meeting”….i dunno, you kinda develop a rule. If they’re not paying you a lot, their not getting a lot of your soberiety….i’m charging you half of what anyone else would, just tell me wtf you want on your site, pay me and let my stoned ass go back to photoshop….we’re not building spaceshuttles here

i need a paypal link

so i made my usual stop at the corner store to buy beer with whatever change i could scrounge from my car cup holder again today.

i didn’t have enough this time. He already had rang up my Bud Ice and i start apolizing and saying i’ve never had that happen before. He quickly looks up at me and says “budiceincan”. I walk over, it takes a second to process, grab the can and walk out.

hehe sigh….ive been in there everyday for the last week so he’s probably wondering if im going through a tough time with a girl or work or something….oh how little does he know…i wonder if he has AIM…