talking on phones

god i hate talking on the phone….ever since my days of tech support phones still disgust me…wish everyone had aim….

the thing i hate most about phones is that awkward last 2 seconds when your hanging up. Everything that procedes you hanging up.

“okay sounds good!”

“talk to you later!”

“i’ll get right on that!”

“okay im ready to roll!”

ugh it’s all bullshit, should just close the window and that be that….

where u live

Thinkhed: WHERe you live now?
scoutmastertoad: *****and *********
scoutmastertoad: *makes gang sign*
Thinkhed: WTF
scoutmastertoad: haha
scoutmastertoad: yeah dude we’re living in ghetto style now
scoutmastertoad: one day toad’s site isn’t gonna update anymore
Thinkhed: i just did a search in mapquest for **** and ***** and the result was a picture of glock and a gold tooth


phone rings at 8:45am….i answer it and the lady on the other line asks if we’re still on for our meeting at 9am. I’m instantly awake.

I ask who it is, she gives me her name, i don’t recognize it. Finally i ask her who she’s calling for. She says she’s calling for someone who totally isn’t toad. She laughs and says i have the same british accent as him. I laugh and hang the phone up and go back to sleep.

fried chicken

hmmm almost midnight, the end of yet another horrible day….worst part is there was actually 1 second of happiness…

this kinda tells you what level i’ve been living on the past few months….like i go through each day, not really making any money, not really doing any work, just kinda stumbling through trying to make the best. fiending for any chance to really talk to someone.

Today i went to my deli that i always go to, the same place that once filled my day with joy and wonderfulness when they told me, a complete stranger, that i could just pay for my sandwich tommorow since “they knew me”

That trust makes me feel so warm inside….maybe it’s just living in memphis, being hounded by cops, almost getting carjacked on a daily basis…

Today, after troubleshooting fucking Apple’s all morning, then giving up and trying to set it up on a fucking winbook, i give up and go to lunch. My deli friend gives me a extra piece of fried chicken when i left. We talked before, mostly about fried chicken. I stated that i spent a considerable time in new orleans that i could tell good fried chicken from the crap the other places pass off.

I dunno why someone giving me a extra piece of fried chicken can make up for all the speeding tickets, lonliness, lack of work and utter pointlessness of life….oh well…


haha god my dad asks me to go to a “social” for all the companies in the building. Probably a bad idea, i walk in at 3pm, down a beer and start socializing with the rest of the people there.

I do okay, barely slurring my speech, actually giving a business card to a prospective client and not passing out or asking anyone for pot.

Best part was when they had the contest for the person who had the best new year’s resolutions. So everyone walked around asking who had the best resolution. I was telling everyone that my resolution was to get into the office by 10am.

I won 3rd place.

$5 blockbuster card up in this piece!

Can’t believe i won 3rd place, everyone else was talking about world peace and toad is talking about getting to work before lunch….haha kick ass.

they always win in the end

hmmm 2 speeding tickets in 2 days…$60 x 2 = $120….both times pulled over within a block of where 2 people were killed in a drive by shooting….each time i almost get shot by the cop pulling me over because i have to open my door(since my window won’t roll down thanks to someone trying to steal my stereo).

If the Memphis Police Department wants me to kill myself, their about 1 more speeding ticket away. I just hope the cop that gave me a 45 in a 35 on fucking Lamar is the officer called to the scene when they find my dead body hanging in my apartment. He’ll walk in, find the little note pinned to my shirt, explaining that the memphis police finally convinced me to kill myself and that they won.

I think tommorow im just going to work from home since obviously some karmic forces have been thrown off. Tonight i shall sit quietly in my apartment, not bothering any law enforcement or the rest of humanity.

when will i learn…

god, need to just stop talking to people in real life all together. i’m sitting at the arcade downtown, eating my chicken salad, no dressing, scribbling in a notebook. my waitresses says “okay, i’m gonna be nosey, whatcha working on?”.

i could have said a billion other things but i blurt out “” She goes “oh umm” and i start to explain the site, fail miserable, mention that it’s not porn and then watch her walk away….

i saw her walk away and sit next to the other waitress. Then i felt the eyes on me. I have 2 cups of coffee and quickly leave. even left um a tip.

uh oh

hehe so im sitting at my computer, jamming to some, reading, like i do every morning at work and i hear a knock.

a well dressed black woman is in my doorway and asks where the former occupant of my office is. I tell her i think their downstairs, we both smile at each other and she leaves.

about a hour later i hear footsteps again behind me and she’s like “you know i had my heart set on this office”. I laugh and tell her it’s all about the windows and she says “it’s okay, i forgive you”.

have the worst feeling im gonna be walking out to my car for lunch later and get jacked by people wanting my office…

scoutmastertoad: guess their in the office next to us, now it makes sense
scoutmastertoad: we snagged that shit like 2 days before they did haha
scoutmastertoad: gonna be walking out to lunch and get hit by a folding chair
scoutmastertoad: wake up in the hallway surrounded by all my stuff


got back in town early this morning….never went to bed last night so everything is a bit fuzzy….pictures and update will come later…having some problems putting the whole trip in chronological order since i started almost everyday with some form of alcohol…