SCOUTmasterTOAD: i am so singing personal jesus wednesday at karoke
Month: February 2003
from now on
I’m ending every day, until the day i die, with Johnny Cash – Hurt.mp3
Motavation in a thong.
i told him ian told me to invite him
good thing i didn’t
*looks at empty baggy*
god like….everyone use your imagation for this. Toad dressed in a $20 suit, which i told many people, is the same cost of a bag og schwag. Thus naming it, my schwag suit.
Ken is dresed in, okay let me describe this. This isn’t just funny for me cuz everyone ian or i bring it up we start laughing. We pull up to Ken’s house and he’s standing on the hill of his front yard, in complete darkness, outstretching a arm pointing to his driveway. I’ve tried in several sentences, then deleting, what Ken looked like at this moment. Now Ken is about 6’7″, with a goatee of 3 prongs. Dressed in all black, weird little black top hat. Looks like Kid Rock but really pissed off. My untrained mind is not enough to describe Ken.
Anyway…..we go to the strip club, nothing really happens, the end? Haklsdfhalkhalkhalskhahalksdjflasj haha. Poor brandon sits alone for 10 minutes until he sees us..he said he really felt dirty sitting alone in platinum…i agreed and offered him any of 3 different bottles…
I almost need another website to talk about Platinum Plus experiences that i’ve had. I’ve learned from Platinum that i am a white heterosexual male and that i need to get a job that pays a lot. I can’t describe what a refreshing feeling platinum is.
Motavation in a thong.
A lot of people will tell you that strippers are ugly. I’m here to tell you a lot of them are. The whole “problem” with strip clubs is the alcohol. If you couldn’t drink there, then we wouldn’t be the ONLY people in the entire club with 3 bottles of alcohol we BROUGHT in. Last night was a Monday too. People made eye contact with us and just knew we weren’t fucking around.
I really need to get a picture of Ken for this.
This morning started really pretty bad. It’s not a good morning when you wake up and you have 13 new voicemails. In fact, when it’s 2pm, it’s not morning anymore.
You were asleep during morning toad.
I stumble to the shower making apoligies, that i’ll be there in a minute. I suddenly remember last night in one big second and Ian told me i was singing Ludacris – Get Out The Way while i was taking a shower.
After a muscle relaxer, a beer that i stole from a client’s fridge, and several hours of troubleshooting, i am going to bed.
SCOUTmasterTOAD: you’re like the only person on my aim list i havnt’ met or fucked
SCOUTmasterTOAD: and you live closest
another blurry weekend
hmmm gawd, not going to even go into this whole scary weekend. A billion things happened worth posting on this site but i can only remember a few. Thanks whiskey…
Around 2am at Club Atlas, toad and swede walk back in to get his records. Swede had spun several hours earlier and we went to go have a few drinks on Beale when we decided it was time to go back. Swede is…well don’t remember how he was dressed, but i was clad in a $20 Salvation Army suit, complete with Gucci sunglasses.
I need more suits.
Anyway, we go up to the stage, i grab his record case for him and as we were walking into the crowd, i slap the sunglasses on, put my hand up to my ear and begin to shove everyone out of our way, sternly saying “excuse me, excuse me, excuse me” as i pushed girls in teddy bear backpacks out of the way.
We get outside and then begins a kind of hide and go seek with the police, swede and myself. There is no way to describe the kind of paranoia that was eminating from them just about everything that night.
Not going to go into the rest of my weekend. I’ve posted several drunk rants about self censorship but i just don’t think i really want anyone to know the level it kinda got to. Completely not on purpose either.
Leaving it at that
oh no
SCOUTmasterTOAD: oh god
SCOUTmasterTOAD: you’re just waking up arn’t you 🙁
about to leave for casino…i’m dressed like…the pics will just explain that…someone else is driving…i’m already drinking…..wes is en route….i can only see out of one eye….time to get that change bucket and hit the fuckin slots.
i hope tonight is the night where i win a bunch of money. Like everyone has 1-2…i have…like tonight, tonight could really use it…
today was at the exxon buying more beer and the black woman, with what i think is her name, etched in her “grill”, or the white person equlivant, front teeth. I laugh and say i dyed it last friday after buying this exact amount of beer. The other large black woman at the counter responded that she dyed hers while sober. I asked where her sense of adventure was and collected my change….
nothing like having your power go out during a game of warcraft….
i paced around the apartment for about 20 minutes, left, picked up food and beer and came back and started up the laptop. When i was at the gas station buying beer, i tried to score some free cigerettes from the marlboro guy there. Only thing is he wants me to buy a pack and he’ll give me 4 packs after. I say “no dice, just gonna stick to my beer” and the cop turns his head up and stares.
I got in the car and started laughing and wish i had said “just stick to the pot” instead..
Weird thing was when i got back, i called this phone # on the back of my fucking $137 utility bill for “outages” and put in my phone number when it asks me my location. About a 10th of a second after i hang up the phone the power comes back on. Did i just reboot something with my phone #? Anyone work for mlgw?
gawd…waking up later and later everyday…..want to start drinking again but i know i need to eat at least once before i can even consider alcohol again….
last night was a drunken blur of bars and merryness. I woke u this morning, saw the 3 missed phone calls, saw they were all 3 from the same client.
I call him back and he laughs and says about time i answered my phone. I explain to him last night was a long night and he just laughs at me. I tell him i got the email, i fix what needed to be fixed and i start drinking my first glass of water.
my day.txt
hmm okay, lets start this from the beginning….
9:15am: toad hits the snooze bar for the horetenth time, we must get out of bed, we must code websites
9:35am: wonder where ian is..oh well, we smoke 2 bowls and play disc 2 of the wall….everything is okay
11am: we are in a meeting with one of our most important clients….i assure him that everything is moving on really well. It knida is…my hangover is almost gone, i find out what he wants from the website and put it on the menu for tommorow. I like meetings
noon: i roll into the bartlett office, talk to my dad’s co-workers, embarass him even more and prepare for next meeting
1:15pm: i eat my first meal, which is diet v8 splash and a balance bar. my hands shake while i buy this
1:30pm: most important meeting in my life. I try to talk more, since last meeting client made fun of me for not talking enough. Probably talked too much. Hope they sign proposal. Probably not.
4:30pm Drunk, no reason not to…with your empty smiles and your hungry hearts…you better run run run run run
9:45pm I call a girl i’ve had a crush on for 2 weeks….she’ll probably never even hear about my site but it was sad enough to update about….i go home alone
11:something: We go to neils. I drink on the way there. i should have been pulled over. Was waiting for the worms to come
12:00 Waiting, to cut up the firewood, waiting to go to the city, waiting to put on a black shirt, waiting to mash the potatoes, waiting…
1am: Start trying to update site…must keep drinking whiskey or the worms…ian is playing some game on the computer…not even responding to my drunken pink floyd lyrics….ex girlfriends are msging me…i keep drinking…god all i have to do is follow the worms