jennandt0nic: haha
jennandt0nic: come to LA toad
jennandt0nic: we’re where *IT’s* at
jennandt0nic: wink wink.
SCOUTmasterTOAD: haha
SCOUTmasterTOAD: yeah
SCOUTmasterTOAD: can i stay there if i come out there for a few weeks?
SCOUTmasterTOAD: come on
SCOUTmasterTOAD: i’d let you stay here as long as you wanted
SCOUTmasterTOAD: just let me stay there a few weeks
SCOUTmasterTOAD: like 2
SCOUTmasterTOAD: 14 days 🙂
SCOUTmasterTOAD: i’d clean
SCOUTmasterTOAD: eat pussy
SCOUTmasterTOAD: (cock)
Month: February 2003
toad, club promotor
Tonight im hitting the streets with the rest of the crew to spread the word about White Night at Club Premiere. Now most people think if the Premiere as a black only club. Thats why we’re going out armed with VIP passes and flyers to promote, what they called “white night”.
This is going to be so amazing. I can’t wait to stumble around from bar to bar, VIP tickets in one hand, drink in other, offering anyone with breasts a pass.
Having VIP tickets is a open invitation to talk to every single person who looks cute. I have a excuse now.
Hmm…that pain killer was probably a bad idea at 7am….i called this girl ive had a crush on for a few weeks and “we may hangout after she gets off work”. Now i’m the king of bad first impressions but my 2nd impressions are almoast as good.
Then i have time to prepare. 🙂
details tommorow
you will be hungover tommorow…
i predict it….
can’t even start to decide where to start this update…do i start at 2pm when i started drinking? do i start when i’m at the bar talking about trading beers for oral sex…
do i start where im eating hot wings and watching backdraft at alex’s….
meeting 8 hours…quit updating your site and go to sleep
hmm it’s been a few months but it’s time to get that karoke bug out of my system. It’s been building up for a while and i better let it loose before it gets really bad.
As i dig through f:mp3sgay looking for the proper sing to sing this evening, hearing ian reply “wtf” to just about everything i select, i sit back and dream of the day when i’ll own my bar and every night will be karoke night. Except i’ll be the only one allowed to sing.
They were young and had each other at the
hmmm naw, they all look so good tho. Rupert Holmes – If you like Pina Coladas.mp3 Ohhhh god…so good haha…this song always kinda fucks with me tho. Rupert Holmes is one bad ass player. His fucking wife is cold passed out and he’s writing shit in the personal column. Like i’ve talked to other chicks on aim after getting play but the personal column is kinda fucked.
That’s not what im talking about tho. This asshole is posting shit on some personal column and gets busted by the girl. He meets her, she doesn’t even think for a second that her bastard husband is trying to cheat on her. He plays it off really smooth tho, like “oh i didn’t know you liked that, here everything is okay now”
*takes large gulp of beer*
Now look Rupert, if you’re so shallow that drinking a certain kind of alcohol and dancing around in the acid rain qualifies this woman to be YOUR FUCKING WIFE, then you got some serious issues.
Like far from me to be critical of someone on the topic of issuses with dating but i’m not married and playing bitches while their passed out. When i marry it’s going to be for the one real reason anyone should get married.
but i strap myself in
god, minutes after i updated about how shitty i feel, the power goes out.
claudia, the smart little girl she is, boots up without stimulation.
armand however, requires much more.
my friend says he can score me a power supply for free
guess we’ll see tommorow…..
i havn’t shaved, showered or ate in the last 48 hour….body will shut down soon
god i feel like fucking shit
hmm yesterday i did the ole “skip breakfast, eat lunch and replace dinner with alcohol” thing that i tend to usually save just for the weekends. usually i cram at least 2 meals into my poor, malnurnished, hungover body but last night it just didn’t happen.
after consuming even more*shudder* drugs and alcohol, i go to bed.
fast forward to 6am with marla whining.
oh great, 2 huge puddles of dog shit on the carpet.
good morning toad, welcome to tuesday. get the paper towels….
i lay on the couch so pissed that i can’t even go back to sleep. i feel like beecher when he’s laying there with his broken arms and legs. I finally fall asleep, get woken up several times, when Andy, cuz i know it was fucking andy cuz no one else does this, calls our house and lets the phone ring 30-40 times to make sure no one is there. i hate our phone.
then around 9am the cell phone starts ringing. Yes dad, i’ll fix it, just send me a email detailing what you want. Yes dad, i’ll fix it later, i’m in the middle of something….Yes dad, yes dad, yes dad.
going back to couch…
afternoon at toad’s
went to kroger today…bought a 40 of icehouse, some hair dye, 2 bags of shivered almonds and some yogurt.
lady at the register was like “someone is having a fun evening”. After i handed her my gestapo kroger plus card, i told her that it was going to be a fun afternoon.
and it has…
i decided i don’t need a girlfriend. i got one the second i adopted marla from the pound. marla has taken on just about all the aspects of girlfriends ive had in the past.
tonight marla and i showed up at john’s house for some beer and Oz. Marla runs around, eats their dog’s food, drinks there water, takes one of their toys out of the closet and generally makes a fool of herself and me.
it’s like a drunk girlfriend that doesn’t have to drink…
now while i type it, my drunk girlfriend is asleep on the couch like usual, i’m alone and depressed on aim, hoping she won’t wake up and read my site to read what i wrote about her….
toad doesn’t update his site as much
cuz he is too drunk to see the screen. Ugh everyone who asks me about this weekend just gets a sentence or two about seeing a bunch of teenagers naked and not having sex with any of them.
like i can’t even start to describe the weirdness of last night. the ninja skillz of this morning, sneaking into her bedroom to grab my backpack, knife and cell phone…..
walking into this party last night, seeing one guy naked, rolling on the floor laughing, several other drunk naked girls around him…it sucks being the oldest guy at a party and knowing that if you laid a hand on anyone there it would be a felony 🙁 heh hmm…
god, don’t even want to talk about this anymore
R Kelly style
hmm going to a party with a bunch of underage girls
ian said im kicking it R Kelly style.
can’t decide if i should bring camera or not