live chat fun

was on earthlink chat today trying to move a client’s domain.

Please wait for a site operator to respond. While you are waiting, please feel free to begin typing your issue in the box below. Try to be as descriptive as possible. Once an operator responds, click SEND to transmit what you have typed.
‘ChrisA’ Thank you for contacting EarthLink LiveChat. How can I help you today?
You: hi, i would like to change my DNS servers on my domain ******.com
You: live chat sometimes makes me want to kill myself, i hope you can help me
ChrisA: For security verification could you please verify the last four digits of the credit card/bank account being billed or the secret word or pin number on the account?
You: i have no idea which card i used on it
ChrisA: I can help you change the DNS after the account is verified.
ChrisA: I show a Master Card exp: 07-04
You: that’s my wife’s card, i’m not sure what the digits are on it
ChrisA: Can you verify the FTP password?
ChrisA: Sorry the Domain password?
You: no, i just hoping it would send me a form letter confirming that i would like to change the DNS servers?
You: and i could reply back with the email that is on the administration contact
ChrisA: I need to verify the account in some way prior to making the changes.
ChrisA: Do you have access to a fax machine? If so, I can use a faxed copy of your driver’s license as verification, provided the name and address match what we have on the account. The fax should be put to my attention and needs to include a clear copy of the front of the license, your EarthLink email address, a short description of the issue that brought you to chat and, if you need to disconnect to send the fax, and an alternate email address you can be reached at. The Fax number to send it to is:
ChrisA: 916-787-8196
You: god, if i knew earthlink was going to fuck my account up this bad i would have never hosted my goddamn domain there in the first place
You: seriously, does this not seem kinda fucked up to you?
You: wish i could call netsol and just have them change the dns
ChrisA: Sir, I am merely trying to protect your account information
You: but my goddamn client has to use some faggot ass dialup host like earthlink and it causes me to lose 2 hours of my day looking up different phone numbers and talking on online chat
You: hmm yeah i guess so…
You: i dunno, seems pretty fucked up
ChrisA: The information I have asked for is not unacceptable or inappropriate for account verification. But you choice of language is.
You: damn
You: k
You: peace

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